Sunday, May 29, 2011

Living In The Fast Lane

I am now at the half century mark, and looking back, I just shake my head and wonder “how did I get here so fast?”  I don't remember doing it, but somewhere along the way I must have hit the afterburner button!  It's not about getting old and my memory failing me, it's about life going by so fast that it’s just a blur.

As I write this I feel the aches and pains of an abused body.  It all started yesterday.  I got up that morning to take my morning 4 mile stroll with my friend Jesus and had a great time.  I got home and soon found myself alone, with the exception of Paul David, my cousin from California.  Why the two names?  You'll have to ask his mom and dad, but I think it’s because their other son, Jonathan, was a week or two old before they finally named him, so out of fear of that happening again, they gave Paul David two names and thought they would decide later which to use! If you drop by their house you can find them still arguing, did I mention Paul David is 25 

As I was saying, I found myself with too much time on my hands.  It just so happened that I needed something for my computer from Best Buy and since I’m always looking for a way to show the world how young I am and what great shape a guy of fifty can be in, I decided to go get it via the most dependable transportation I had on hand:  a 1960 deluxe model with very high mileage, but made by God himself!  I had decided to walk the ten mile roundtrip to Best Buy and back.
It took almost four hours of my life along with dodging some of the most pathetic drivers I have ever seen in my life!  Needless to say, I am now an advocate for no cell phones while driving!  From a walker’s point of view, those cars were all over the road, swerving and dodging pedestrians while smiling and having a good ole time with whoever was on the other end of the line.  And all the while, my life was in danger!
As I walked the same roads that I have driven many times while doing my own share of swerving and multi-tasking at sporadic speeds except I do it with style and greater precision. As I walked I noticed everything.  I noticed which houses had dogs and which dogs had chains. I even noticed how long each chain was!  Hardly anything escaped my attention – the colors of homes, flowers and landscaping, which house needed repair.  I was just blown away by all the detail I have missed driving down these same streets through the years. 

When we slow down, we notice the things we missed while speeding by, but what really struck me was that I had no idea how much I didn't see until I walked. I have been married almost thirty three years, have raised four children, now have seven grand children with one on the way in the jungles of Vanuatu, and I wonder how much I missed in their lives while speeding through life with the after burners on.
The problem is, I'll never know what I missed.  If you’re a young parent with children in the house, it's a big mistake to speed through life.  You can't possibly know what you’re missing until you slow down.  By getting out of the fast lane and possibly even having less of what the world has to offer, you will have far more time to enjoy the things that really matter. 
Walk sometime and you’ll be far more aware of all the crazy drivers out there who don’t have a clue as to what they’re missing. 

By the way I'm still hurting from that walk!  I think I need a tune up, maybe even a new motor! If I were to check, I’d probably find out that God has issued a recall on all 1960 models!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Storms of Life or Showers of Blessings?

We have within ourselves the power and authority to decide never to face another storm but only dwell in showers of blessings. As I walked and prayed this morning, I noticed the gray skies and knew that it could change quickly, as it usually does here in Missouri. I asked God to hold back the rain long enough for me to get to the place I call the Holy of Holies. It's my special place where I talk to God. I always find comfort and solitude there and I thought the thick canopy of trees would keep me from the brunt of the storm. I could hear the pitter patter of rain on the leaves as God began to share with me about the anatomy of a sin, which I will be posting on my blog very soon.

My thoughts took a drastic turn as thunder shook the trees. I continued to walk and talk to God through the trees slightly distracted but soon the thunder became a steady roll with intermittent loud booms that would disrupt my pace for an instant. With the constant roll of thunder came a lightning display that was unbelievable. I couldn't see the full view but was watching through the thick canopy of trees above me. Within moments, I was drenched. Then came the 1/4" to 1/2" hail stones that bounced off the brim of my hat. I found a big oak tree and nestled close hoping for a little more cover, praying that one of the many bolts of lightning didn't choose that tree to strike.

It was then that God lay on my heart that if I would continue on my walk and praise him, then he would turn this vicious storm into showers of blessings. So I did and He did. I walked and gave God praise. I no longer felt the cold drops of rain hitting me. The hail stopped but the rain become more intense, the thunder and lightning continuing as an orchestra to its final crescendo. But I was showered in God’s blessing.

After about thirty minutes, the full body of the storm had passed but the rain lingered behind with a light sprinkling for the rest of my time of worship. It was in this time that God spoke. It is in the storms of life that God ALWAYS speaks, but we don't always hear. It is because we get too busy looking at the storm to notice Jesus walking on the water. The next time a storm hits, instead of focusing on the storm, look for Jesus because He has something to say. You will be amazed at how quickly the storm will pass. I have lived long enough to be able to look back and see that all of my spiritual growth came from the storms of life. Now I endeavor to embrace the storms that confront me and look for Jesus, listening for His voice.

So for some it will always be a storm, but to me, showers of blessings.

Mark 4: And he arose , and rebuked the wind , and said unto the sea , Peace , be still. And the wind ceased , and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith? And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?

Friday, May 6, 2011

How Do I Love Jesus More

This morning it was as if I was in a great auditorium and the show was about to begin. I was awakened with a great yearning and excitement. I went through my morning regiment with a rush. There was an urgency to get to my place of worship.

With great anticipation I waited for the show to begin. When I bailed out of my car and found my way to the walk trail, it was as if the curtain opened and I was enveloped in Christ's love and power. I began to worship and Jesus walked beside me. It wasn't long before He spoke to my spirit and said, "Bobby, Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you. I allow him to have his power, but it is you that I love and it's in you that I dwell. So if all power emanates from me then he can have no power over you. Therefore, he cannot destroy you because within you is the full authority and power of Calvary."
Jesus began to show me where He has brought me from, and this is what I saw. I was standing at the edge of a high precipice flailing my arms to keep from falling. Then Jesus appeared from out of nowhere to extend His hand. I reached for it and felt His strong, sure grip. It was then, while still at the edge of the precipice, no longer flailing but feeling very safe, that he said, "Do you love me?" I said, "Yes, Lord, I love you." Then he said, "Feed my sheep."

I know you have all seen this scenario before with a guy named Peter a few years back. But this is different because this time, for me, it was very personal. God gave me some pieces to a puzzle and said to finish the puzzle that I have been given. Looking at the puzzle, I, like Peter realized I love Jesus. But not enough. What can I do that will cause me to love you more. Then Jesus said, "Finish the puzzle with the pieces I have given you. When I looked at the puzzle the piece right next to "feed my sheep" was missing, so I put in first the piece of commitment. I can't feed sheep without commitment.

The picture became a little more clear, so I looked for the next piece. There it was. Prayer. Yep, a perfect fit. But there was one last piece. Faith. When I put faith on the other side of feed my sheep, I had all the pieces together. It was a picture of a powerful and perfect relationship with Christ surrounded by our love for each other. You see, your love is measured by your level of commitment. Your commitment will drive you to prayer and it is your prayer that will empower you to action. It is your action that builds your faith and it is your faith that increases your love. That is the complete picture, the same picture that Peter saw. Three times Peter denied Christ,three times Peter was asked do you love me, and three times Peter was called into action.
Love is most often destroyed by what we don't do rather than by what we do. For example, in a marriage it is what a husband or wife fail to do that will ultimately destroy a marriage. We become so focused on patting ourselves on the back because of all the things we are doing right, that we don't pay any attention to the little things that we are not doing. It is these things that keeps our love for Christ from growing. Take the time to look for those things that you are not doing and do them, then watch your love for Christ and in your marriage grow.

At David Wilkerson's memorial a video was played. It listed many accomplishments and ministries that are now worldwide and though he is now with Christ, the workcontinues. What got my attention was at the very first of the video, it showed a television being turned off and the narrator saying, "David Wilkerson turned off his television." Before David Wilkerson accomplished anything, there was a commitment made and that commitment called him to prayer and his prayers sent him to the gang riddled streets of New York. When he found himself on the streets of New York, reaching out to gang members, he soon saw his faith Increase. As time passed his love for Christ had been made complete.

In a successful relationship with God, it will always be the same pattern. Love is measured by our level of commitment. Our commitment will drive us to pray. Our prayer will empower us to action. Our action will build our faith and it is our faith that increases our love.
This cycle begins with commitment and it is you who determines your level of commitment. How much do you want to love Jesus? Feed His sheep.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

This picture doesn't mean anything to anyone else but my wife and I. You might notice the tools strewn around, or me working on a tool trailer. You might take notice of three of my four children (Bobby Dale, Ruth, and Nathan) helping or hindering. Take your pick, they both apply! You might even notice that I was skinny, but you could never see what I see.

This picture was taken eighteen years ago as I prepared to move from Merced, California to Neosho, Missouri, 1500 miles away. I don't just see a picture that captures a mere second of time of my fifty years of life. I see eighteen years that grew out of that one second. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this picture was worth eighteen years.

In this picture, I see my eldest, Bobby Dale, on the church staff. He and his wife, Kelly, are making a difference in young lives. I see Naomi blogging on marriage, her husband, Ben, active in foreign mission work, as well as going school to school teaching character and personal ethics to teens. I see Nathan and his wife, Jennifer, living in Vanuatu, living in what Americans would call a substandard way of life in a foreign land, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. I see Ruth working in children’s church, helping to make a difference in young lives, and her husband Robert going to Bible School because he feels God’s call on his life. Through the tears in my eyes, that’s what I see in this picture. The past eighteen years came out of just a moment of time, a picture, a decision to obey God.

Our decisions are always accompanied with the passing of time and in the end, the results of the decision. Most decisions you make are like seeds that have been planted. Once a decision is made, it begins to germinate, then soon, through the course of time, the decision bears fruit. You can't change the type of fruit that comes from the decision because that was determined when the decision was made.

In my case, it's here in this picture. I couldn't possibly see what would grow out of a decision made eighteen years ago, but God could. If God directs you to make a decision, just follow. He knows what seed He has given you, therefore He knows what fruit the decision will bare even if you don't have a clue.